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Tobacco Dependence...

Mission Statement

To identify common predictor (intake or baseline), mediator and outcome variables for studies promoting change in participants’smoking behavior or exposure to tobacco smoke based on intention to treat methodology. To collaborate through joint analysis and publication(s) of outcomes based on comparisons of interventions across sites. To serve as a resource for all BCC members on issues of smoking assessment and analyses, and communicate with other national organizations (e.g., AHRQ, SNRT) to facilitate standardization of measurement of smoking behaviors.


Develop a common set of predictor, mediator and smoking outcome variables that could be included across all sites intervening to change smoking behavior.

Common Measures

The Smoking Workgroup is recommending a set of common measures for use by all BCC projects, including those who are not examining smoking behavior as an outcome of their intervention. To view those measures, and the select the set that is right for your project, please click here.

Meeting Minutes