Appendix 1: Prescribed grazing management plan worksheet to be used with rotational

Step 1. Estimate the Forage Demand:

The forage demand is the amount of forage dry matter (DM) required to feed the herd/flock for one day. It is calculated based on the rule of thumb that grazing animals require an amount of forage dry matter equal to about 2.5% of their body weight per day. *Note* For lactating dairy cows use 3.0%.

__________________________ X .025 or .03 =_______________ X
Average weight/animal (lbs) lbs DM/head/day
____________ = Total Forage Demand_____________
# of animals lbs/day

Step 2. Estimate the Forage Supply:

This is the amount of forage dry matter that is predicted to be available for grazing after a 15 day growth period in the spring and a 30 day growth period in the summer and fall. *Note* Actual pasture growth rates are extremely variable. As a result, the numbers presented are for planning purposes only. Optimum growth periods may be longer or shorter than those indicated.

Unless actual measured yields are available, use estimated yields such as SCS Soils 5 data for grass-legume hay. Use the following table to convert to forage availability on a rotational basis.

Forage Availability Estimates
Hay Yield
5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5
Forage Availability
2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000
Forage Supply_________________

Step 3. Select Residency Period:

In other words decide how long you want your livestock to remain in a particular paddock. One to two days is recommended for lactating dairy cows, three to seven days for all other livestock. *Note* For maximizing harvest efficiency, use the shortest residency period indicated for the type of livestock operation.

Residency Period________days

Step 4. Determine Paddock Size:

The paddock size is based on meeting the total forage demand for the number of days of grazing indicated by the residency period.

_____________ / _____________ = ____________
Forage Demand Forage Supply

X ________________

= Paddock Size

Residency Period acres

Step 5. Calculate the Number of Paddocks:

The number of paddocks required is based on meeting the longest regrowth interval recommended, i.e. 30 days.
30 / by ____________________ =_________ + 1 =
Residency Period

Number of Paddocks Needed___________

Step 6. Estimate the Total Number of Acres:

____________ X ____________________ =
Paddock Size Number of Paddocks

Number of Acres Planned___________

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