Welcome to AltLaw

AltLaw is a free, full-text, searchable database of U.S. case law. Currently we provide cases from:

  • Supreme Court, since 1805
  • Circuit Appeals Courts, since 1950

For more information, see About This Site

News and Announcements

  • Monday, April 27, 2009: New! We've added "snippets" of text from each case in the search results! Check it out, and let us know what you think.

  • Wednesday, April 22, 2009: New feature - Linked citations in case texts! See an example.

    Did you know? You can also link directly to a citation with a URL like http://www.altlaw.org/cite/101+U.S.+99 (just replace the spaces in the cite with + signs).

  • Monday, March 30, 2009: Having trouble finding the list of cases cited by / citing to each case? They're still there -- click on the "Citations to/from this" link to the right of a case, and you'll get a page like this.

  • Thursday, March 26, 2009: If you're interested in downloading the entire case law collection that AltLaw uses, check out bulk.altlaw.org.

  • Thursday, March 19, 2009: Just a note: the database of cases has not yet been updated with new cases from 2009. We are working on this as fast as we can! Daily updates will be back again within two weeks. soon!

  • Monday, March 16, 2009: The Advanced Search feature is back! Give it a spin, and let us know if you have any problems.