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1999 AIRNET Data Evaluation

This page contains data summaries for Airnet stations that exceeded evaluation criteria in 1999. These data and their discussion appear in the Laboratory's annual Environmental Surveillance Report.


1999 Americium and Plutonium Data Findings & Analysis

  • Station 34 at TA-54, Area G: 1st and 2nd Quarter
  • In addition to the top and sides, the bottom surface of all drums is now checked for contamination throughout the retrieval and drum washing process.
  • All drums that are suspected of being contaminated are immediately contained (bagged) in heavy plastic.
  • Formal procedures are being updated to address these operational changes.
  • Workers have been trained to all adopted operational changes.


1999 Tritium Data Findings & Analysis

  • County Landfill: January and February
  • TA-21: December
  • TA-33


1999 Plutonium Data Findings & Analysis

  • Station 7: 3rd and 4th Quarter
  • Station 45 TA-54, Area G: 4th Quarter

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