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The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.
The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for assessing the nation's vulnerabilities. It takes the lead in evaluating vulnerabilities and coordinating with other federal, state, local, and private entities to ensure the most effective response. The collection, protection, evaluation and dissemination of information to the American public, state and local governments and the private sector is central to this task.
Targets our protective measures when specific information to a specific sector or geographic region is received. It combines threat information with vulnerability assessments and provides communications to public safety officials and the public. Read more »
The PCII Program seeks to facilitate greater sharing of critical infrastructure information between private sector and government entities by protecting the information from public disclosure. Read more »
The Homeland Security Information Network provides a nation-wide platform to share essential homeland security information with the proper stakeholders. This information sharing is accomplished both horizontally across the government and vertically among federal, state and local governments, private sector and citizens as outlined in the President's National Strategy for Homeland Security. Read more »