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Methodology & Data Analysis...

Mission Statement

The aim of the Methodology and Data Analysis workgroup is to provide for expert consultation on complex methodologies and emerging statistical applications that will enable us to capitalize on the unique opportunities that the BCC affords for collaborative data analyses in the behavioral sciences field.

Specific objectives include:

  • developing an action plan to address specific data analytic and measurement issues raised by members of the BCC.
  • hiring and interacting with a statistician/methodologist to assist with coordinating the data analytis and methodology needs common to various BCC sites.
  • identifying a documenting commonalities in cross-site design and outcome analyses in order to recognize and facilitate possible collaborative opportunities.
  • providing information and raising awareness concerning statistical issues by introducing to the entire group of BCC investigators emerging analytical strategies and their various applications.

BCC Publication Guidelines

The methodology and data workgroup has finalized its draft of proposed publication guidelines for your consideration. These guidelines can be viewed as a PDF file on your browser (click here).  

As the BCC continues to evolve over the next few years, we believe that some structure will be required. The purpose of these guidelines is to encourage collaboration, fairness, and the production of quality products by the BCC.

Meeting Minutes