

Congress advances emergency economic aid plans 6:03pm EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic-led U.S. Congress took steps on Thursday to give President-elect Barack Obama the weapons he wants to fight a worsening economic recession by advancing legislation to provide nearly $1.2 trillion in emergency spending.  Full Article

House to seek $825 billion in economic stimulus 3:20pm EST 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives unveiled an $825 billion tax cut and spending bill on Thursday they hope will help President-elect Barack Obama reverse the steep decline in the U.S. economy.  Full Article  |  Video 

Obama-mania hits the shops

Jan 14 - President-elect Barack Obama has the Midas touch, as shoppers, ahead of the inauguration, are snatching anything with his name or image.   Play Video

Crisis in Gaza

Israel continues its military offensive into the Gaza Strip as Hamas provides no respite to rockets fired into Israel's cities.