Sat 17 Jan 2009 | 12:46 IST

Study urges Obama to forge stronger U.S.-India ties 9:19am IST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The incoming Obama administration should forge a strong partnership with India to tackle common problems such as terrorism and the global financial crisis, an Asia Society task force said on Friday.  Full Article

Tibetan glacial shrink to cut water supply by 2050 9:38am IST 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly 2 billion people in Asia, from coastal city dwellers to yak-herding nomads, will begin suffering water shortages in coming decades as global warming shrinks glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau, experts said.  Full Article 

Reuters Weekend

Roses, posters, prayers for jailed Satyam chief Ramalinga Raju, who will always be a hero to supporters.  Full Article | Slideshow 

Real Slumdogs

For kids in Mumbai slum, "Slumdog" protagonist's story unimaginable.  Full Article 

Pam for Strays

Pamela Anderson urges Mumbai authorities to sterilize stray dogs, not kill them.  Full Article 

Israel may halt Gaza war, ignore Hamas demands 12:04pm IST 

GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli warplanes returned to the attack on the Gaza Strip before first light on Saturday as leaders of the Jewish state weighed a unilateral ceasefire.  Full Article 

Satyam board meets Saturday, new funding plans key Friday, 16 Jan 2009 

HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) - The new board of fraud-hit Satyam Computer Services will meet again on Saturday to look for ways to raise new funds after both the government and the company rejected talk of a state rescue bid.  Full Article 


Satyam saga continues

Reuters India's Madhu Soman brings you a wrap of the week's top news stories.  Podcast | Video 

Special Coverage

Countdown to Jan 20

Barack Obama takes office as the 44th U.S. president  Full Coverage 

Nazi era papers on sale in Germany

Newspapers from the Third Reich era go on sale in Germany, with the aim of putting Nazi propaganda into context.  Video