1. Assessment of Potential Damage

    Calculate Risk of Alfalfa Injury
    - Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin
    Evaluating Winter Injury to Alfalfa
    - Jerry Cherney, Leon Hatch and Ed Goyette, Cornell University
    Rapid Evaluation of Alfalfa Frost Injury
    - Darryl G. Stout, Barbara Brooke, John Hall, Agric. Canada
    - Ted Moore, B.C. Ministry of Agric. and Food, Canada
    Sampling Protocol for Legumes and Grasses in Frozen Soil
    - Jerry Cherney, Cornell University

  2. Managing Alfalfa

    Heaving in Alfalfa Fields
    - Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin
    Frost Seeding of Forages
    - Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin
    Commonly Asked Questions
    - Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin

  3. Managing Grass

    Perennial Forage Selection
    - Jerry Cherney & Bill Pardee, Cornell University
    Intensive Grass Management for Lactating Cows
    - Jerry Cherney & Debbie J.R. Cherney, Cornell University
    Intensive Grass Management for Dry Cows
    - Jerry Cherney & Debbie J.R. Cherney, Cornell University

  4. Managing for Supplemental/Emergency Forage

    Forage Alternatives to Alfalfa
    - Beth Spaugh, CCE Clinton County, NY
    Alternative Forage Crops
    - Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin
    Forage Species for Supplemental Emergency Forage
    - Mark Sulc, The Ohio State University, & Bill Weiss, OARD/OSU
    How Much Can I Pay for Standing Hay?
    - Mike Rankin, UW Extension, Fond du Lac County
    Forage Pearl Millet: Agronomic Recommendations
    - Agricultural & Environmental Renewal, Canada, Inc.
    Forage Sorghum: Agronomic Recommendations
    - Agricultural & Environmental Renewal, Canada, Inc.

  5. Feeding Alternative Forages

    Alternative Feeds for Dairy Rations
    - L.E. Chase, Cornell University
    Alternative Forages for Dairy Cattle
    - L.E. Chase, Cornell University
    Pearl Millet Forage in Cattle Diets
    - Paul Sharpe, University of Guelph
    Small Grain Forages for Dairy Cattle
    - Bill Weiss, OARDC/OSU
    Soybeans for Hay or Silage
    - Bill Weiss, OARDC/OSU