Just when it seemed the Russia-Ukraine natural-gas dispute was solved, tempers flared again Wednesday. Europe is still the big loser, as Russian gas still isn’t flowing across Ukraine and to the West. The big winner? Nuclear power.

After two weeks of tension and shuttle diplomacy, Wednesday’s dustup finally galvanized European officials into action—sort of. European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso said EU countries should sue Russia and Ukraine for toying with their energy supplies.


Not everybody’s chuffed about new nukes (AP)

But in their quest to bolster energy security, many European countries aren’t waiting for lawyers or Brussels to act—or are openly flouting the European Union altogether.

Eastern countries like Slovakia and Bulgaria have been among the hardest hit by the crisis, because they are nearly totally dependent on Russian gas. Both have restarted Soviet-era nuclear reactors they mothballed as a condition to join the European economic bloc. Slovakia’s president openly said that, faced with a “cold and dark” winter or a wrist slap from Brussels, he’s prepared to power up the nuclear reactors and deal with the consequences later. Poland, which isn’t in the EU, just said that nuclear power will be a cornerstone of its new energy policy.

Even Western European countries long leery of nuclear power are rethinking it. Italy’s large gas reserves kept it insulated from the latest crisis, but it still sparked government officials into a call for more nuclear power to boost Italy’s energy security.

Even in Germany, where Green Party politicians hold a nuclear moratorium sacred, the debate is getting fresh legs. Power sector executives said today they are pretty confident that the double whammy of climate change and the need for more energy security will force Germany to reconsider its current nuclear policy.

The European hand-wringing holds lessons for the U.S. as well. Secretary of State nominee Hillary Clinton told the Senate yesterday that energy security has to be a vital part of U.S. foreign policy, both to reduce dependence on foreign oil and to fight climate change. She called for more nuclear power in the mix.

Which could explain why one hyperactive European country has been largely quiet throughout the two-week gas crisis: France. It went nuclear decades ago to ensure domestic energy supplies, and gets about 80% of its power from nuclear plants.