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School Lunch Participation On The Rise

POSTED: 6:30 pm MST December 11, 2008
UPDATED: 7:38 pm MST December 11, 2008

The number of students taking advantage of free and reduced lunches at school is rising. According to a report released by the School Nutrition Association, nearly 80 percent of districts surveyed said they're serving more students.

Mac Curl came to eat with his grandkids at the grand opening for Bandelier Elementary's new cafeteria.

On the menu -- posole.

"I was really surprised," said Curl. "It was really good."

He said his family qualifies for the district's free and reduced lunch program.

In cafeterias all over the district the number of people participating in the program is growing.

"Am I surprised it's increasingly popular? No, I would expect it would be, especially since it's good," said Curl.

APS officials say nearly 9.5 percent more students districtwide have signed up for these meals since September.

"The need is greater than in years past. I don't think there's any doubt about that," said Monica Armenta of the Albuquerque Public School District.

School officials said while they are seeing more people taking advantage of the free and reduced lunch program, they're seeing fewer people coming in and paying cash.

Nationwide, the School Nutrition Association said APS is following the trend.

The report stated 79 percent of districts are providing more free lunches and 65 percent are serving more reduced lunches.

"A key thing here is this is part of the nutrition safety net that was established 60 years ago for these kinds of times," said Erik Peterson of the School Nutrition Association.

As Curl eats with the kids of Bandelier Elementary, he said the program is a big help.

"It certainly helps their mom, yes," said Curl.

APS said 55 percent of students take part in the free and reduced lunch program.

Rio Rancho school leaders said 37 percent of their students are participating; that number has gone up about 5 percent in the past year.

A Santa Fe school district representative said they're not noticing any changes, but that 75 percent of students there already get help.

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