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This Labor Day, the AFL-CIO launched a nationwide drive to put the full force of its 10.5 million members and nearly 3 million union retirees behind winning secure, high-quality health care for all by 2009.

We are ready to act on our belief that in America, no one should go without health care. The fact is, America isn’t working the way it should. Middle-class living standards are eroding and working Americans need good jobs, the freedom to improve their lives through unions and secure, high-quality health care. Rising, irrational health costs are crippling families, companies and communities, while drug and insurance company CEOs are raking in money as never before.

Americans are ready for real change, and union members will make the 2008 elections a mandate on health care. We will hold candidates for office at every level accountable to progressive reform and elect a president and a Congress pledged to get the job done. Our new health care campaign adds to union members’ ongoing efforts to make America work the way it should and to fight the erosion of middle-class living standards.

Sign a petition for quality, affordable health care and stop back at the AFL-CIO Health Care site to get updated info on the campaign.

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