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Motivational Interviewing...

Mission Statement

Seven BCC projects have included Motivational Interviewing (MI) as either their core intervention, or as an essential element of their intervention. These investigators, as well as other interested BCC investigators, have formed a working group in order to enhance treatment validity and share resources and measures. Specifically, the purpose of the working group is to:

  • Document the similarities and differences in how MI is being applied across sites in order to identify collaborative opportunities.
  • Arrive at a convergence as what constitutes the core elements of MI intervention, and to the extent possible, employ common MI strategies across groups.
  • Identify similarities and differences across sites in their proposed mediators of change.
  • Develop measures of treatment fidelity for MI in order to enhance treatment integrity of individual studies, as well as to promote cross-site comparisons.
  • Seek additional training opportunities in MI.

BCC Groups Using MI

Site Principal Investigator
Brown University/The Miriam Hospital Belinda Borrelli
University of Rochester Geof Williams
Oregon Health Sciences University Diane Elliott
Emory University Ken Resnicow
University of Michigan Vic Strecher
Cornell University Mary Charlson
Harvard School of Public Health Karen Peterson

Common Measures

The Motivational Interviewing Workgroup is recommending a set of common measures for use by all BCC projects, who are using MI as a component of their intervention. To view those measures, and the select the set that is right for your project, please click here.

Meeting Minutes