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Treatment Fidelity & Adherence...

Mission Statement

The overall aim of this group is to advance the definition and measurement of treatment fidelity and adherence in order to facilitate the interpretation of findings and increase our understanding of the relationship of treatment intensity and dosage to treatment outcome. We will provide BCC investigators with the information and resources needed to ensure that interventions are delivered as intended, and that the dose delivered and the dose received are measured in a quantifiable manner for use in treatment validity, treatment outcome, and cost-effectiveness analyses. Specifically, the treatment fidelity working group will be available for consultation to:

1. Act as a resource for BCC investigators regarding treatment integrity, providing references, information, and materials regarding:
  • methods to ensure that the treatment is delivered as intended;
  • measures of treatment adherence;
  • prevention of treatment contamination;
  • standardization of intervention delivery across different providers;
  • training of treatment providers (lay and professional) and testing of skill acquisition;
  • minimization of "drift" among providers;
  • quantification of intervention dose delivered and intervention dose received as an index of implementation.
2. Act as a central information station about how the various studies are addressing treatment fidelity and adherence issues, as well as dose issues. At their request, investigators can be referred to other investigators who have similar designs and treatment fidelity issues.
3. Organize subsets of investigators who are interested in developing substudies involving fidelity/adherence. Studies may consists of either groups of investigators who use common measures of fidelity/adherence and would like to pool their data, or investigators who are interested in developing standardized units of behavioral treatment that can be generalized across different behaviors and regimens (e.g., what is the physical activity equivalent of giving up a high fat snack?).

Meeting Minutes