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Cooperative Links

Commercial or private sites linked from this page are intended only to supply information. No endorsement of products, firms, or organizations is intended, nor is criticism implied of those not included.


Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards
Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards (IACCB) is a nonprofit organization assisting member county conservation boards in areas of board member education, public relations, and legislation. The association's main purposes are to promote the objectives and supplement the activities of conservation boards, exchange information, assist boards and members in program development and provide a unified voice in the legislature.

Iowa Department of Natural Resources
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources mission is to conserve and enhance our natural resources in cooperation with individuals and organizations to improve the quality of life in Iowa.

Iowa Environmental Advocacy

Iowa Environmental Council
The Iowa Environmental Council is an alliance of diverse organizations and individuals working with all Iowans to protect our natural environment. We seek a sustainable future through: shaping public policy, research and education, coalition-building, and advocacy.

Environmental Education Links 

Iowa Association of Naturalists
Iowa Association of Naturalists (IAN) is a non-profit organization of people interested in promoting the development of skills and education within the art of interpreting the natural and cultural environment. IAN members are actively involved as professionals and volunteers in interpreting natural and cultural resources in Iowa.
Iowa Conservation Education Coalition
Iowa Conservation Education Coalition (ICEC)'s mission is to ensure a healthy environment in Iowa by improving environmental literacy; promotes innovative educational methods and strategies; develops diverse partnerships; facilitates networking; provides access to information, research, and trends; and embraces a balanced perspective on environmental issues.

National Association for Interpretation
The National Association for Interpretation (NAI) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to advancing the profession of heritage interpretation, currently serving about 5,000 members in the United States, Canada, and over thirty other nations. Individual members include those who work at parks, museums, nature centers, zoos, botanical gardens, aquariums, commercial tour companies, and theme parks. Commercial and institutional members include those who provide services to the heritage interpretation industry.

North American Association of Environmental Educators
The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) is a network of people who believe in teaching people how to think about the environment, not what to think. Learn how to use high-quality teaching methods to show people how to make a difference in the world through a positive, nonconfrontational approach.

Iowa State University Links

Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management is dedicated to the understanding, effective management and sustainable use of our renewable natural resources through the land-grant missions of teaching, research, and extension. NREM’s disciplinary focus is broad in scope, ranging from individual organisms to landscapes, from natural to managed ecosystems, from wilderness to agricultural and urban systems, from local to international environments, and from resource preservation to utilization. NREM reflects a diversity of disciplines, including ecology and other biological sciences, social science, economics, sustainable resource management and utilization, and human dimensions.

Iowa State University Extension
Iowa's Cooperative Extension Service provides the link by which the results of research conducted at Iowa's Land Grant University are made available to those who have uses for the information. The concept of extension is not something that just happened, but rather was a logical step in a series of uniquely American contributions to education.

Iowa State University
Iowa State University of Science and Technology is a public land-grant institution serving the people of Iowa, the nation, and the world through its interrelated programs of instruction, research, extension, and professional service. With an institutional emphasis upon areas related to science and technology, the University carries out its traditional mission of discovering, developing, disseminating, and preserving knowledge.

Iowa GAP Analysis
The purpose of the Gap Analysis Program (GAP) is to provide broad geographic information on the status of ordinary species (those not threatened with extinction or naturally rare) and their habitats in order to provide land managers, planners, scientists, and policy makers with the information they need to make better-informed decisions.