NOTE: Use the browser's "Find" to search on a species, then click to provide information on the species of interest. You can also click on (Map) to get a map of county distribution of the species.
3035 (Map)  Ulmus alata                              WINGED ELM
3036 (Map)  Ulmus americana                          AMERICAN ELM
3037 (Map)  Ulmus procera                            ENGLISH ELM
3038 (Map)  Ulmus pumila                             SIBERIAN ELM
3039 (Map)  Ulmus rubra                              SLIPPERY ELM
3040 (Map)  Ulmus thomasii                           CORK ELM
3041 (Map)  Urtica chamaedryoides                    NETTLE
3042 (Map)  Urtica dioica                            STINGING NETTLE
3043 (Map)  Urtica urens                             BURNING NETTLE
3044 (Map)  Utricularia cornuta                      HORNED BLADDERWORT
3045 (Map)  Utricularia gibba                        HUMPED BLADDERWORT
3046 (Map)  Utricularia intermedia                   FLAT-LEAVED BLADDERWORT
3047 (Map)  Utricularia minor                        SMALL BLADDERWORT
3048 (Map)  Utricularia vulgaris                     COMMOM BLADDERWORT
3049 (Map)  Uvularia grandiflora                     BIG MERRY BELLS
3050 (Map)  Uvularia sessilifolia                    LITTLE MERRY BELLS