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Physical Activity . . .

Mission Statement

The mission of the Physical Activity Assessment Workgroup is to improve science with regard to the measurement of physical activity outcomes through cross project collaboration and comparison. Specifically, our mission is to share experiences and techniques used to assess physical activity in clinical trails research and develop guidelines that may be useful across the different studies. Our primary goal is to facilitate the development and implementation of measures that will reduce error and increase the power to detect behavioral change. The specific goals are to:

  1. Determine physical activity outcome similarities across BCC studies.
  2. Develop common operational definitions of activity/exercise for cross project use.
  3. Promote the use of a few common measures to allow comparisons across studies.
  4. Establish methods of triangulation of measures to increase the validity of the findings in different studies.
  5. Serve as a repository of all measures of activity used across studies and to determine the pros and cons of each measure.

Common Measures

The Physical Activity Workgroup is recommending a set of common measures for use by all BCC projects, including those who are not examining exercise behavior as an outcome of their intervention. To view those measures, and the select the set that is right for your project, please click here. The workgroup has also compiled an index of physical activity measures used by each BCC site. To view a summmary of this information, please click here.

RWJF Grant Supplement

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American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM)

The following presentations were part of an ACSM (2001 Annual Meeting) symposium focusing on BCC activities. To reference this material, please use the following citation:

Bazzarre, T., Matthews, C. E., Nigg, C. R., & Pruitt, L. (2001). Improving the Science of Measuring Physical Activity Outcomes in Behavioral Interventions: the Behavior Change Consortium Experience. [Abstract]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(suppl 5); S303.

· Improving the Science of Measuring Physical Activity Outcomes in Behavioral Interventions: the Behavior Change Consortium Experience (Bazzarre) (PowerPoint, 38 kb)
· Assessment Issues for Population-Based Intervention Trials (Nigg) (PowerPoint, 39 kb)
· Self vs. Interviewer Administered Physical Activity Measures (Pruitt) (PowerPoint, 78 kb)
· Triangulation of Physical Activity Measures (Matthews) (PowerPoint, 82 kb)

Meeting Minutes


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