Endangered Species Program
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Items that appeared on the Endangered Species Program home page during 2005:

Section 6 Awards Announced
for Fiscal Year 2005

(September 27, 2005)

More than $70.5 million in grants to 26 states has been awarded through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (Section 6) Grants to States & Territories.

Front Cover of Safe Harbors Video

Red-cockaded woodpeckers featured at the recent White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation
(September 19, 2005)

The 10th anniversary of the first Safe Harbor Agreement was celebrated May 5-6, 2005, at the Pinehurst Resort in the North Carolina Sandhills. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, private landowners, biologists, and conservationists developed the program to manage red-cockaded woodpecker habitat while allowing private and commercial use of resources. Now, more than 325 landowners have enrolled over 3.6 million acres in 17 states in 32 Safe Harbor Agreements. A film, "Safe Harbors -- Building Habitat on Common Ground," produced to mark the anniversary event, was featured along with companion publications (at right) at the White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation, August 29-31, 2005, in St. Louis, Missouri.
Read the Department of Interior's
press release.
See the
Safe Harbors film (Windows Media Format).
See the
Safe Harbors film (MP4 Format).

Songbird Reappears on San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Landsimage
(June 15, 2005)

After 60 years, the least Bell's vireo has reappeared on National Wildlife Refuge Restoration Lands in California's Central Valley.

Read the Service's press release.

imageLatest List of Candidate Species Published
(May 11, 2005)

The Service published its latest Candidate Notice of Review which adds 5 new candidate species and removes 4 species since the list was last published in May 2004. The new candidate species included in the Notice are two plants, one fish, one crustacean, and one insect: the Miami blue (Hemiargus thomasi) a butterfly found in southern Florida (the female shown above was photographed by Jeffrey Glassberg, Ph.D.). Learn more.

Rediscovery of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
(May 08, 2005)

The news of the rediscovery of the ivory-billed woodpecker in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge in Augusta, Arkansas, helps to illustrate the kind and number of partnerships and collaborations that are needed to conserve the species. Please explore these links for more information about the many contributers to the ivory-billed woodpecker story.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Press Release

Southeast Region, USFWS

Permit Application Fees Increased
The processing fee for many permit applications increased on May 11, 2005. Revised application forms reflecting the new fees are posted. You must now use the new application forms and include the new processing fee. For information on the fee increase please view the final rule (published on Monday, April 11, 2005)
You may also wish to read a press release about the fee changes.

2003 News Archive

2004 News Archive


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Last updated: March 12, 2008