Sun Java Installation Guide

This guide explains why and how to upgrade from Microsoft's Java to Sun's.

Why Java

Java is a programming language that runs within a "virtual machine" (VM) on your computer. The Java VM (or "JVM"), isolates Java code from the computer by presenting an interface for the code that is consistent across various operating systems and computer hardware.

What this means for the AFF system is that our applications run safely without modification on multiple versions of Microsoft Windows (98/2000/XP/etc.), Apple, Linux/UNIX and other environments.

The Java VM also protects your computer from malicious instructions. It warns you if code is coming from an unknown/untrusted source and runs the code within an environment that stops it from doing anything nasty.

Our use of Java Web Start enables WebTracker to be automatically updated from the server everytime you start it. This ensures that you always have the most up-to-date version without requiring you to download and install the program many times. It also enables you to run WebTracker from an icon on your desktop and start menu (like other applications): you do not have to launch it from the AFF web site with your browser every time.

Why Upgrade

When you purchase a PC that comes with Microsoft Windows, it includes Microsoft's JVM by default. This JVM is used by Internet Explorer to run Java applets.

While it was nice of Microsoft to provide some rudimentary Java support, the reality is that their business model does not contain a mechanism to make a profit from it and they are directing their efforts toward other things that may yield them profit. Their JVM was built in 1997 and has not been updated since. Meanwhile, the Java community under the leadership of Sun Microsystems has developed the Java language and environment to include some impressive capabilities, and improved both security and performance along the way.

WebTracker 2.0 required the capabilities of recent JVMs in order to implement its advanced capabilities. AFF will discontinue older versions of WebTracker in the near future.

How to Upgrade

The computer software that implements the JVM is called the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

You can acquire and use Sun's JRE without charge. To get it, visit any of the following web sites (they all go to Sun Microsystems):

On any of these sites, find the download link that looks like this:

Click on the "Download Now" icon:

and select either the XPI or Offline Installation option to download the software. For each option there are detailed instructions right beside the download.

Most people with high-speed internet access can download and install Sun's JRE in a matter of a few minutes. If you accept the suggested default values throughout the installation, you will likely encounter no problems. If you do, Sun's site has lots of information to help you.

Be sure to allow the installer to set Sun's JRE as your default JRE for Internet Explorer and any other browser you might be using (such as Mozilla's Firefox browser from )

If you are using a non-Windows operating system, you can obtain a JRE from other sources. Any reasonably-recent JRE will enable you to run WebTracker. Here are some links for other operating systems:


