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FAO Nile Project Closing in June 2009- NBI Secretariat Strategizes to Sustain Outputs.
The Executive Director (ED) of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), Ms. Henriette Ndombe has applauded the FAO Nile Project for its enormous contribution to regional cooperation and development
Possible Impacts of Climate Change on the Nile Flows and Future Water Management in the Nile Basin

Climate change will have various effects on water resources and water management in the Nile Basin- Mohamed Abdel Aty Sayed

A paper presented at 13th International Water Resources Association (IWRA) Congress, from 2-4th September 2008, in Montpellier, France, has noted that

Floods in the Eastern region of Uganda in 2007
Climate change will have various effects on water resources and water management in the Nile Basin. According to the paper the large variability in projected climate scenarios over the Nile, which is the most vulnerable river basin, makes any policy reformulation in anticipation of climate change difficult