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Email Listserve

SEARCH the BASINSinfo listserve email archives.

What is an email listserver?

A listserver is an Internet feature whereby one posts a message that is received via email by all listserver members. They can respond to you or to the entire listserver membership.

What kinds of things can you put on a listserver?

You can post text-only emails about anything related to BASINS. You can post:

However for security reasons the listserver rejects all attachments to emails postings.

How do you join the listserver?

By subscribing to BASINSinfo via email. Send an email to lyris@lists.epa.gov, leaving the "Subject:" field blank and putting "subscribe basinsinfo firstname lastname" in the body of the text. Once you have subscribed, you will receive a welcome message confirming your membership.

To unsubscribe to BASINSinfo, send another email to the same address, with "unsubscribe basinsinfo" in the body of the email message.

How do I post a message?

Messages are sent by email to basinsinfo@lists.epa.gov. The email is sent to the moderator of the list who will review and consolidate the postings. The postings are then sent out as email messages to every member of the BASINSinfo listserver.

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