Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock
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May-August, Year - 2009 | Volume - 2 | Issue - 2     Table ofContents  RSS Feed 
What's new in emergencies, trauma, and shock? JETS policy for publishing animal studies
Tucci Veronica, Galwankar Sagar, Sanson Tracy, O'Keefe Kelly
Physician-scientists have utilized animal research to advance the state of medical art since virtually the beginning of recorded history. Galen, an ancient Roman physician and philosopher, dissected...

Basic Science Research
Role of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in traumatic brain injury and Measurement of pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme by dipstick test
Sharma Pushpa, Benford Brandi, Li Zhao Z, Ling Geoffrey SF
Objectives: The present study was designed to investigate the role of a mitochondrial enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) on the severity of brain injury, and the effects of pyruvate treatment ...
Original Article
Evaluating the validity of multiple imputation for missing physiological data in the national trauma data bank
Moore Lynne, Hanley James A, Lavoie Andre, Turgeon Alexis
Background: The National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) is plagued by the problem of missing physiological data. The Glasgow Coma Scale score, Respiratory Rate and Systolic Blood Pressure are an essen...
Original Article
Medical errors and consequent adverse events in critically ill surgical patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Delhi
Kumar Sunil, Chaudhary Sujata
Background: Medical errors and adverse events (AE), though common worldwide, have never been studied in India. We believe that though common these are under reported. Aim: The aim of this stud...

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