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Google Book Search APIs

How do I start?

  1. Read the Getting Started guide.
  2. Generate code with the Preview Wizard, or build a customized implementation.
  3. Review the Terms of Service.

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What are the Google Book Search APIs?

Google Book Search is our effort to make book content more discoverable on the Web. You can easily and reliably integrate with this repository from your site, in a number of ways:

Embed book previews on your site

The Embedded Viewer API lets you embed Google Book Search previews on your own website and programmatically control these previews using JavaScript. Learn more.

Integrate search results and social features into your application

With our Data API, your application can perform full-text searches and retrieve book information, reviews, ratings, labels, and user libraries. You can also submit user-generated content through this API. Learn more.

Link reliably to Book Search

By adding some simple Javascript to your site, you can include more customizable, reliable links to Book Search content using ISBNs, LCCNs, OCLC numbers, and other standard identifiers. For example, you can create "smart links" to Google Book Search that show up only when book previews are available to your users. Learn more.

Visit our Who's using it page to see how the Book Search APIs are being used by WorldCat, GoodReads, the University of California Libraries, and more.