ARC Highlights
- ARC Galleries
- Firsthand History Exhibit from our Southeast Region
- Instructions for Creating ARC Search Links
- Native American Tribes: Guion-Miller Roll Index and Index to the Dawes Rolls
- WWII Casualty Lists
What's New in ARC
NARA and Library and Archives Canada have teamed up for their first collaborative exhibit- 1783: Subject or Citizen, running until January 25, 2009 at the Lawrence F. O’Brien Gallery of the National Archives Building, Washington, DC. The project commemorates the 225th anniversary of the Treaty of Paris, which officially ended the American Revolutionary War.
ARC now contains a digitized copy of the full 16-page treaty, officially titled “Definitive Treaty of Peace between United States and Great Britain, September 3, 1783,” which can be viewed online via ARC ID 299805. Click on the Digital Copies tab at the top of the description page to access the images.
Previous "What's New"
Click on the images to view their descriptions and larger images in ARC.
2008 |
Posted: 11/10/2008 |
Posted: 9/23/2008 |
![]() The National Archives (NARA) has become a founding partner in the Library of Congress's World Digital Library (WDL) project. NARA will contribute digital versions of important documents and photographs from its collections to the WDL. The WDL is scheduled to launch in 2009. See the NARA items to be included in the World Digital Library. Read the full press release on the Library of Congress site
Posted: 7/23/2008 |
![]() The new version of ARC is here! The updated features include a streamlined basic search, user-friendly advanced search filters, a tabular display, my list and email functionality, highlighted search terms, and a search within feature that allows users to search within a particular record group, collection, series, or file unit. See more details on the new features, or just take ARC for a whirl.
Posted: 7/8/2008 |
![]() The National Archives produces a quarterly online access newsletter called "The Buzz." The latest issue includes two features about the Archival Research Catalog (ARC).
Posted: 6/16/2008 |
![]() Search ARC to learn more about the electronic records held by the National Archives. More than 97% of the records held by the Electronic and Special Media Services Division in College Park, Maryland, are described in ARC at the series level. See our ARC Search Hints for Electronic Records for details on how to find the series in ARC. Selected series and file unit descriptions in ARC link out to almost all of the databases available in the Access to Archival Databases (AAD) system. View all ARC hits that link to AAD.
Posted: 6/16/2008 |
![]() The new ARC Gallery: Native Americans spotlights records described in ARC relating to over 70 individual tribes, notable Native Americans, and topics such as the American Indian Movement, the Dawes Roll Applications, Indian Schools, and the Wounded Knee Massacre. Records created by offices and agencies in the Bureau of Indian Affairs are also included.
Posted: 3/11/2008 |
![]() Browse selected topics related to U.S. diplomatic relations in the Middle East in the ARC Gallery: Middle East and Foreign Affairs. Highlights include searches on specific nations, crises, peace talks, the Persian Gulf War (1991), and the Iraq War (2003 - ).
Posted: 3/11/2008 |
![]() The ARC Gallery: Civil War includes period maps, sketch books, historical documents related to the Confederacy, the Emancipation Proclamation, and more. Mathew Brady photographs are presented by individual, location, and highlighted topic. ARC contains digital copies of more than 6,000 photographs taken by Mathew Brady and his associates.
Posted: 3/11/2008 |
![]() The new ARC Gallery: World War I features primary sources related to African Americans, draft registration, and notable battles during the first World War.
Posted: 3/11/2008 |
![]() The new ARC Gallery: Immigration and Naturalization highlights Chinese immigration, passenger lists, famous immigrants, and the Titanic. The naturalization page includes interactive maps of North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia that allow you to retrieve selected naturalization records for immigrants from individual countries.
Posted: 2/19/2008 |
![]() Explore the new ARC Gallery: Environmental Studies, and find items on topics such as pollution, environmental education, and the Clean Air Act. The gallery also features photographs from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Documerica Project (1971-1977).
Posted: 1/7/2008 |
![]() The ARC Gallery: Rose O’Neal Greenhow features links to over 175 digitized documents related to Rose Greenhow who was a famous Civil War spy for the South. In August 1861 Head of U.S. Intelligence Service Allan Pinkerton and his men searched Greenhow's home and seized documents including letters, maps, notes, ciphered messages, and burnt papers that Rose had tried to destroy in her stove.
Posted: 1/7/2008 |
![]() The new ARC Gallery: Women highlights National Archives records related to women's history, including the Nineteenth Amendment granting a woman's right to vote, women's petitions to Congress, and photographs of women's participation in the workforce, the military, and the arts. Famous and notable women are also featured: the First Ladies, aviator Amelia Earhart, the first African American Congresswoman, Shirley Chisolm.
Posted: 1/7/2008 |
2007 |
Two new indexes -- Index to Record Groups in ARC and Index to Collections in ARC -- are now available. The indexes provide ARC Search Links into the catalog. It's a fast, easy way to browse through the series that a Record Group (RG) or Collection has described in ARC. It takes three clicks:
Posted: 12/3/2007 |
![]() Explore the new ARC Gallery: National Archives Exhibits, and find items featured in the Public Vaults, the Eyewitness exhibit, and NARA Southeast Region exhibits.
Posted: 11/20/2007 |
![]() Browse selected topics related to the House of Representatives, Senate, and joint committees in the new ARC Gallery: Congress. Highlights include petitions (on topics from abolition to woman suffrage), messages from the presidents to the Senate, documents related to the Library of Congress, and records of the committees (including the Committee on Un-American Activities).
Posted: 11/20/2007 |
The new ARC main page is now live! For more information, see How to Search in ARC: ARC Main Page Options.
Posted: 10/31/2007 |
Posted: 10/25/2007 |
![]() A new Last Name Index to Naturalization Records (New Mexico), 1882-1917, is available online. The last name list indexes naturalization records from the district court in New Mexico held by NARA's Rocky Mountain Region (Denver, Colorado).
Posted: 10/22/2007 |
![]() NARA has Regional Archives facilities located across the country. Now each Regional Archives facility has an ARC search hints page with suggested keyword searches and featured digital images. See the Regional Archives in ARC Galleries.
Posted: 09/27/2007 |
![]() Read President Franklin D. Roosevelt's letter to R. D. W. Connor, President of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), expressing how honored Roosevelt was to be elected an honorary member of SAA.
Posted: 08/28/2007 |
![]() ARC now contains more than 70 series from the Philippine Archives Collection. The records focus on the individual men and women who served in military or civilian capacities or in guerrilla units in the Philippines during World War II. A new web page, The Journey of the Philippine Archives Collection, tells the story of how the army created these materials, buried them underground, uncovered them, and later transferred the Collection to the National Archives. The site includes a timeline, maps, links to series, a glossary, and guerrilla unit lists.
Posted: 07/2007 |
Posted: 06/2007 |
Posted: 05/2007 |
Posted: 04/2007 - 05/2007 |
Posted: 04/2007 |
Posted: 03/2007 |
Posted: 02/2007 |
Currently just over 50% of our records are described in ARC. Every two weeks new descriptions are placed in ARC. Many of the records are described broadly at the series level. If you do not find the records you are seeking, please contact the NARA office that holds those records.
Posted: 01/2007 |
2006 |
The Firsthand History exhibit tells intriguing stories of the people who once inhabited this land.
Descriptions of Our Videos on Google: Through NARA's collaboration with Google, 101 historical videos are available on the Google web site. Each video has an ARC description that links directly to the video and includes additional information.
All of the records of the United States Mint at Philadelphia are now described in ARC. These records relate to the general superintendence of the entire Mint Service from 1792 until early in 1873 and to coinage, assaying, and other operations of the Philadelphia Mint from 1794, when coinage was begun, until 2002. Theses records include: correspondence, operating, and other records. View the instructions on how to search for these descriptions.
Over 115,000 File Unit Level Descriptions Added to ARC: Thanks to a new software tool, we are now able to dramatically increase our upload of file unit and item level descriptions into ARC. These files are now keyword searchable. In the last two months we have added 115,000 file units from almost 50 series. Many more will be added to ARC every two weeks! View selected series that include new file units.
Descriptions of NARA's holdings for Record Group (RG) 249 Records of the Commissary General of Prisoners, 1861-1905, are now available in ARC. The records pertain to Union and Confederate prisoners of war, the exchange of prisoners of war with the Confederacy, and, after the Civil War, the settlement of prisoner of war claims. View the instructions on how to search for these descriptions.
Descriptions of 25,733 Korean War-era files from the series "Command Reports, 1949-1954" are now available in ARC. View the instructions on how to search for these descriptions.
Descriptions of the records of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center are now available in ARC. The records relate to manned space flight projects including Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Apollo-Soyuz, and the Space Shuttle. View the instructions on how to search for these descriptions.
Descriptions of NARA's holdings for Record Group (RG) 107, Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1789-1947, are now available in ARC.
NARA's Archival Research Catalog (ARC) now contains descriptions for over 50% of our traditional records and artifacts! This milestone has been reached through the dedicated work of over 250 NARA employees in our Presidential Libraries, Regional Archives, and Washington, DC, area offices. We are constantly adding new descriptions to ARC so keep checking for records of interest.
In the last five months we have added nearly 300,000 file units from almost 400 series to ARC. Many more will be added to ARC every two weeks! View selected series that include new file units.
Descriptions of the naturalization records of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico are now available in ARC. The records include Declarations of Intention from 1915-1962, Petitions for Naturalization from 1912-1963, and Petitions for Naturalization and Certificates for men in the armed forces from 1943-1965.
2005 |
Over 124,000 historical documents and photographs have been digitized and can be found in ARC.
Unprecedented access to the holdings of the Jimmy Carter Library is now available through ARC. The Library has added 100% of its series descriptions and 90% of its descriptions of open folders to ARC. Learn more
After a second review by the executive branch, a September 12, 2005 version of the 9/11 Commission's Four Flights and Civil Aviation Security monograph has been released. Read the description and the document in ARC
Over 24 linear feet of J. Edgar Hoover's Official and Confidential Files and other historic FBI records from 1920-1978 have been processed and are available in ARC. Read the descriptions of these files in ARC
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