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The professional collaboration site for wildland fire practitioners.
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01/16/2009 Ellen Eberhardt
01/15/2009 Dana Cohen
01/15/2009 Dana Cohen

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Public Neighborhoods:
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  • Approaches for changing human (mis-)behavior
    (Subgroup of Community-Based Fire Management in the Asia Pacific Region)
  • Approaches for raising public awareness
    (Subgroup of Community-Based Fire Management in the Asia Pacific Region)
  • Biomass
    (Subgroup of California Fuels Committee)
  • Communications Plan Work Group
    (Subgroup of Yellowstone +20)
  • FAO - Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines
    (Subgroup of Community-Based Fire Management in the Asia Pacific Region)
  • FEMO/FOBS Monitoring Training Aids
    (Subgroup of FEMO and Long-term Fire Monitoring)
  • Imperata grassland management strategies
    (Subgroup of Community-Based Fire Management in the Asia Pacific Region)
  • Intelligence Working Group
    (Subgroup of National Predictive Services Group)
  • Jobs
    (Subgroup of California Fuels Committee)
  • Legal frameworks
    (Subgroup of Community-Based Fire Management in the Asia Pacific Region)
  • Meteorologist Working Group
    (Subgroup of National Predictive Services Group)
  • October 2007 Balikpapan workshop outputs
    (Subgroup of Community-Based Fire Management in the Asia Pacific Region)
  • PIO Equipment Needs - George Broyles Leader
    (Subgroup of AAA T1 PIO Working Group)
  • Private Sector Crew Contractors
    (Subgroup of Private Sector Wildland Fire Contractors)
  • Private Sector Engine Contracts
    (Subgroup of Private Sector Wildland Fire Contractors)
  • Public National COML
    (Subgroup of National Logistics Neighborhood Public)
  • Public National FACL
    (Subgroup of National Logistics Neighborhood Public)
  • Public National FDUL
    (Subgroup of National Logistics Neighborhood Public)
  • Public National GSUL
    (Subgroup of National Logistics Neighborhood Public)
  • Public National MEDL
    (Subgroup of National Logistics Neighborhood Public)
  • Public National SPUL
    (Subgroup of National Logistics Neighborhood Public)
  • Rocky Mountain Area Fire Prevention
    (Subgroup of Fire Prevention)
  • Southwest Area Fire Prevention
    (Subgroup of Fire Prevention)
  • Specialized Equipment in the Private Sector
    (Subgroup of Private Sector Wildland Fire Contractors)
  • Test Subgroup
    (Subgroup of FEWT)
  • Trainers in the Private Sector
    (Subgroup of Private Sector Wildland Fire Contractors)
  • Wildland Firefighting
    (Subgroup of Hellsgate Fire)

  • View the list of all neighborhoods


    Welcome to MyFireCommunity.Net

    sponsored by the
    Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
    This online community center is here to assist wildland fire work groups to identify one another, share learning opportunities, discuss issues and concerns, and exchange knowledge. Some are formal teams, but many are actually "communities of practice." 
    Every group has the ability to have their own place in the larger community, an online work space called  a "neighborhood." These can be set up to be public or private. "Partially Public" have the qualities of both! Look at the list of current neighborhoods. Consider setting up your own for your group.
    New From Tucson!
    The LLC will soon implement a new "Ask the Community" forum on My Fire Community. Until this exciting new feature is ready to go live, we have created a new neighborhood as an arena to ask community members questions and receive answers. This is a public neighborhood and we invite you to participate in the knowledge exchange process!
    Help spread the word:  We've put together a promotional toolkit, with color flyers, a poster, and a number of press releases about Feel free to download and distribute these tools, and help get the message to others in your local community.

    Welcome to the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
     (11.8 Mb .wmv, 4:07 min.) This short Introduces the features and functions of the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center,  including our background, mission and staff members.
    Disclaimer: Information is provided with the intent to share knowledge to improve safety, performance, efficiency and organizational learning throughout the entire wildland fire community. However, no warranties or guarantees are implied because much of the data provided is beyond the control of the Center. No endorsement of any company or product is given or implied.