
"The Mission of the Montana State Fire Chiefs' Association is to provide leadership and services to those persons interested in the preservation of lives, property and the environment."

Please check the Legislature page to see a list of the current bills to be introduced which would affect the Montana fire service. It is imperative to present a unified front to our legislators; please read and stay informed.

NEW training events have been posted.  Please click on Training in the left side bar to see what's available.

Jim Steele is with the DNRC Fire Bureau this summer as the Bureau Safety Officer and is available to all agencies if you have a safety related question or observation. Throughout the fire season Jim will be submitting these fire behavior/safety messages as changes/conditions warrant; please feel free to distribute to the fire community.

Fire Safety Message
    by Jim Steele, Safety Officer, DNRC

August 2008
Fire Behavior Assessment and Safety

July 2008
Fire Behavior




2008 Burn Prop Schedule
December-FebruaryNorth March(repairs) April/MaySouth June-JulyWest August-SeptemberEast October-NovemberNorth December-January '09West

MSFCA is a member of the Western Fire Chiefs Association www.wfca.com
