The World Conservation Union


Species Survival Commission
Species Survival Commission
Invasive Species Specialist Group
Global Invasive Species Database
The Invasives Problem
IUCN Guidelines
Global Invasive Species Programme
Cooperative Initiative on Island Invasive Alien Species
Aliens Newsletter
Aliens-L Listserver
Other Websites
Features on Invasive Alien Species
100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species - Booklet
Upcoming Events
The Proceedings of the International Conference on Eradication of Island Invasives

Aliens-L Listserver

Aliens-L is a listserver dedicated to alien invasive species, with a focus on those that threaten biodiversity. It allows users to freely seek and share information on alien invasive species and related issues. Participation from all who are interested in the invasive species problem is welcome.

To subscribe, send an email without a subject header to: OR with the message: subscribe Aliens-L. When you have subscribed you will get a message with instructions for using the list.

Last Updated 7 October, 2008