Annals of Pediatric Cardiology
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Current Issue

July-December - Year 2008
 Volume 1 | Issue 2

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Drug trials in children: Doubts and dilemmas
A couple of months ago, a news item reported the tragic death of babies who were subjects of a clinical trial. [1] The report sensationalized certain elements viz. how the babies were from poor famili...
State-Of-The-Art Paper
The Fontan pathway: What's down the road?
The Fontan circulation results from routing of the systemic venous blood to the pulmonary circulation without a hydraulic source of a ventricle. Although a hypertrophied right atrium was thought to be...

Original Article
Distribution of blood pressure in school going children in rural area of Wardha district, Maharashatra, India
Objectives: To study the blood pressure of school going children in a rural area and its relationship with the anthropometric indices. Methods : A prospective, cross-sectional study w...
Tetralogy of Fallot: Current surgical perspective
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is an important lesion for all pediatric and congenital heart surgeons. In designing the most appropriate operation for children with TOF, the postoperative physiology should...
Point of View
Catheterisation laboratory is the place for rehabilitating the pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary artery stenosis exists as a spectrum. It varies from localized stenosis occurring in one or both branches at one end of the spectrum to more diffuse widespread bilateral stenoses at the othe...

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