This Blog is closed for comment but remains available in read-only format for reference purposes.

Welcome to the Partner Blog for the National Dialogue!

June 5th, 2008 by admin

EPA is holding an on-line discussion among state, tribe, and other federal partners of EPA, as well as the public to foster collaboration on information access. For this discussion, we are using a blog which is a more interactive and personal form of technology. Everyone is invited to use this site to identify and share their best resources, tools, and ideas for improving access to EPA’s environmental information. This is a key part of the National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information – working with you to enhance information access.

This blog will be open for comment for one week (June 9-13, 2008). The blog will then be closed and a summary report will be posted on the “What We’ve Learned” section of the National Dialogue website by June 20th.

Topic List for Commenting

We have created some topics that cover a range of information access issues we think will be of value to the National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information. Select a topic that interests you and let us know what you think. Don’t worry if there is some overlap in the topics - different people will respond to different topics and it is ok if there is some overlap…We’ll sort it out!

Understanding Information: Putting environmental information into context for our customers.
Finding Information: Making environmental information easier to find or access.
What Works: What is working for your organization?
Building to Share: How do we leverage our collective strengths and capabilities?
Going Beyond the Web: Reaching people who don’t have Internet access.

The information gathered on this site, combined with input gathered through the National Dialogue with EPA’s external partners and the public, will be used to develop a comprehensive multi-year strategy on access to environmental information.

This blog will be open for comment for one week (June 9-13, 2008). The blog will then be closed and a summary report will be posted on the “What We’ve Learned” section of the National Dialogue website by June 20th.

More information about contributing

A New Way to Collaborate

June 9th, 2008 by Molly O'Neill

Welcome to the Jam Session where you have an opportunity to provide ideas and thoughts for how we can improve access to environmental information.

The Internet (and overnight delivery!) has changed consumer behavior and expectations. We can now shop almost anywhere in the world on-line and get that product delivered to us the next day. This is one of the many reasons that people expect services quickly. And, that includes expectations on government services. People want us to deliver faster, more satisfying answers to their questions.

At EPA, we have many sources of environmental data and information and it continues to grow at a very rapid pace. We also have many partners in all levels of government who share our mission. Today’s problems are complex and require collaboration among local, state, and federal agencies. As the EPA CIO, I want to help foster that collaboration by making improvements in access. For starters, I know we need better search capabilities for our web presence and we need to make our data more accessible in common formats so it can be more easily consumed.

Our National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information is intended to help us get a better handle on what information and services members of our diverse audience would like to see us providing. Understanding what people want from their government, how they want to access it, and then delivering on that is the foundation to designing an EPA strategy for access to environmental information. Technology should be an enabler not a barrier and I really want to know where you think the opportunities are for EPA to be a better information partner.

We’re inviting you, our partners in protecting human health and the environment, to both share with us your ideas and suggestions, and pass along the interests you hear being voiced by your own constituencies.

I hope you’ll join us here by actively participating in EPA’s virtual web conversation on environmental information access. And I hope you’ll come back to the blog during the week, check what other people are saying about topics that interest you, and post your thoughts.

Understanding Information

May 29th, 2008 by admin

Putting environmental information into context for our customers

People access and use environmental information for different reasons in order to make informed and better environmental decisions. During EPA’s National Dialogue, we’ve been hearing that EPA’s customers want to understand environmental information and put it into context and use. As organizations that have environmental information or missions, how can we meet those kinds of needs?

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Finding Information

May 29th, 2008 by admin

Making environmental information easier to find or access

It’s important that people can locate and access the environmental information they want when they want it. People have told us that it’s difficult to find the right information on EPA’s web site and elsewhere. Is your organization addressing similar access problems? What are some things we can do to help customers locate the information they want?

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What Works

May 29th, 2008 by admin

What is working for your organization?

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to information access - we can build on what’s working and learn from others who are tackling similar issues. Do you know of existing technologies, tools, projects, or best practices that can improve access to environmental information? On a strategic level, what’s your organization’s plan for information access?

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Building to Share

May 29th, 2008 by admin

How do we leverage our collective strengths and capabilities?

During EPA’s National Dialogue events, we’ve been hearing that EPA should emphasize collaboration, coordination and knowledge transfer to eliminate redundancy and provide consistency. EPA would like to leverage our collective strengths and capabilities with you, our partners, in support of our joint environmental mission. How do we bring together our organizations around environmental information and explore research, technology, and ideas within our areas of environmental expertise?

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Going Beyond the Web

May 28th, 2008 by admin

Reaching people who don’t have Internet access

Over 300 million people want environmental information, but information and technology tools are not available to all of them. Some people have access but they don’t or can’t use the newer web capabilities and technologies. This is not just an issue at EPA – all organizations may need to think about how to get information these customers. How do you get your information to customers who do not use the Internet or other electronic information tools? How can we achieve the right balance of efforts to improve access on either side of the Digital Divide?

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User Feedback re: Blog or Website

May 1st, 2008 by admin

Please share any comments you have that could help improve the blog or the usability and effectiveness of the National Dialogue Website. Report any errors or issues here.

Topic List for Commenting

April 1st, 2008 by admin

Understanding Information: Putting environmental information into context for our customers.

Finding Information: Making environmental information easier to find or access.

What Works: What is working for your organization?

Building to Share: How do we leverage our collective strengths and capabilities?

Going Beyond the Web: Reaching people who don’t have Internet access.

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