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Commodity Lamb


As of July 1, 2008, U.S. farms had nearly 7.35 million sheep and lambs. The U.S. sheep inventory peaked in 1942 with 56 million head. About 80 percent of the sheep produced in the United States are sold as lambs. The top five sheep and lamb producing states are Texas, California, Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota.

The United States processed 2.5 million sheep in 2007. More than 94 percent were processed in the 500 federally inspected sheep slaughter facilities. These facilities are heavily concentrated. More than 80 percent of the sheep were processed in plants that slaughter over 100,000 per year. Significant sheep and lamb processing states are Colorado, Texas and Iowa.  January 2009... Commodity Lamb




  • Body Condition Scoring of Sheep, Oregon State University, 1994 - Two research trials found that ewe body condition score at lambing had an effect on total pounds of lamb weaned per ewe.
  • Handbook for Raising Small Numbers of Sheep, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, 2002, $8 - This handbook covers management, reproduction, nutrition, health and wool quality. It includes general tips on feeding and facilities. Visit the online catalog to order.
  • Illini SheepNet and Meat GoatNet, University of Illinois - The online resource for the sheep industry.
  • Off-season and Holiday Lamb Production, Penn State University, 1994 - This site provides management and marketing information and a sample budget for off-season and holiday lambs.
  • Small Ruminant Project, West Virginia University - This program is helping producers implement out-of-season breeding and lambing programs to increase market flexibility and potential domestic marketing opportunities.
  • Sustainable Sheep Production, Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), 2000 - This online document covers grazing, lambing, alternative health management and innovative marketing ideas.

Businesses/Case Studies

Links checked January 2009.


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