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Agricultural Marketing Resource Center

Organic Corn


During the past decade, organic sales of all produce have shown an annual growth rate of between 15 to 20 percent. National data on production of organic corn indicate that from 1995 to 2005 the total acres of organic corn went from 32,650 acres to 130,672 acres. The majority of this production was used in organic feed rations and the remainder was used in food products. More than 90 percent of the organic corn produced is used domestically. Continual growth for organic corn production will depend on increased demand for use in both human foods and organic livestock feeds. December 2008 ... Organic Corn

Note: For state-specific information on organic corn production and market opportunities in your state, please refer to the National Organic Program Web site at: www.ams.usda.gov/nop This site can connect you with local certifying agency and state-specific data.



  • Accredited Certifying Agents, National Organic Program, USDA - Current listing of certification agencies.
  • Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, USDA - Identifies resources about sustainable food systems and practices, including current updates on regulatory and marketing issues.
  • Corn and Feed Grains, Economic Research Service, USDA.
  • Feed Outlook, ERS, USDA, 2007 - Examines supply, use, prices, and trade for feed grains, including supply and demand prospects in major importing and exporting countries. Focuses on corn but also contains information on sorghum, barley, oats and hay.
  • Market Trends, Organic Trade Association.
  • Organic Agriculture, Iowa State University - Information from production to marketing, including resources for certification compliance.


  • National Organic Program, USDA - Governing body for organic standards, labeling and regulations. Includes a list of state by state certifying agencies and regulatory changes.
  • Organic Trade Association - Covers current industry news, events and links related to organic food processing, production and marketing.


  • China Agricultural Data, Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, 2001 - Information on production, cost of production and trade.
  • Iowa 2006 Specialty Soybean and Corn Survey, National Soybean Research Laboratory and Iowa Agricultural Statistical Service, 2008 - In 2006, 0.45 million acres of specialty corn, including organic corn, were grown in Iowa. However, organic production was estimated at less than 1,000 acres.
  • Leopold Center, Ames, Iowa - Research for organic and sustainable crop production.
  • Organic Crop Budgets, Iowa State University Extension, 2008 - These newly revised organic crop budgets, including corn, helps growers estimate their costs and returns.
  • Organic Farm Performance in Minnesota 2007, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 2008 - This report summarizes actual Minnesota organic farm performance data from 2006 and 2007.
  • Organic Farming Research Foundation, Santa Cruz, California - Working for the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming. Focused on research, policy and grants. Numerous organic research project results and ongoing production projects.
  • Organic Production, Economic Research Service, USDA.
  • Organic Production, West Virginia University, 2000 - West Virginia crop and livestock research using organic methods.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Extension Program, Iowa State University - Applied research for organic and sustainable crop production.
  • Sustainable Corn and Soybean Production, Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), 2003.

Businesses/Case Studies

Links checked February 2008.


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