Current Issue: Volume 13, Number 2, Fall 2008

Students flip pancakes.

Crowds flip for late-night pancakes

Spring event offers free food and fun

Shauna Stapleton takes the field.

Soccer standout still scoring off the field

Former captain named top senior woman


Justin DeVanna caring for an animal.

Destination Career: Serving his country one animal at a time

This graduate is a different kind of Army vet

Abby Lillpop works on television project.

TV news intern tuned in to experience

Student steps inside newsroom to learn the business



Students using their skills, assisting villages in Ecuador

Service projects helping communities attract tourists

Students on the Street

Name one thing every student should do before leaving Purdue

Forestry class gives students an edge

Course provides hands-on, real world experiences

A word from the editor

Freedom with the comfort of a support network

Bonus Web-only stories

Spring break trip mixes animal agriculture with fun

Animal science students learn industry first-hand

The kind of president you’d like to play euchre with

Work and fun motivate national student leader


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