HELP! My Bird is Sick!. Signs to look for and what to do if your pet bird is ill.
Pet Parrots pet parrots Exotic Birds exotic birds pets Pets parrot Parrot magazines ezines e-zines illness, symptoms, signs, sick, sick bird
illness, symptoms, signs, sick, sick bird, pet parrots pet birds exotic birds parrots pets pet bird magazines ezines e-zines

Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine, Pet Bird Ezine
Pet Bird
Magazine, Ezine

September 1997 Magazine

.  * Topic IV - HELP! My Bird is Sick!

Copyright © 1997 Tina B. Merritt DVM and Winged Wisdom All rights reserved.

Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine

A pet bird ezine, pet bird e-zine, for pet parrots & exotic birds.
Articles on the care & breeding of pet birds, pet parrots & exotic birds

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Cockatoo parrot picture courtesy of Glasgow Enterprises

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Page design: Carol Highfill ----- Last update: August 31, 1997

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HELP! My Bird is Sick!. Signs to look for and what to do if your pet bird is ill.