Preparing for a power outage. Get emergency portable power supplies to protect your pet birds.
power, emergency, electricity, electrical power, pet parrots pet birds parrots pets magazines ezines
power, emergency, electricity, electrical power, pet parrots pet birds parrots pets magazines ezines

Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine, Pet Bird Ezine
Pet Bird
Magazine, Ezine

April 1997 Magazine

.  * Topic I - Portable Power: Affordable Ways to Beat Mother Nature

Copyright © 1997 PJ Schimel and Winged Wisdom All rights reserved.

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Portable Power: Affordable Ways to Beat Mother Nature
The Annual Well Bird Exam
Adopting an Older Bird Can Be Wonderful
The Fab Four Fables - V & VI
Decorator Cage Covers
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Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine

A pet bird ezine, pet bird e-zine, for pet parrots & exotic birds.
Articles on the care & breeding of pet birds, pet parrots & exotic birds

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Cockatoo parrot picture courtesy of Glasgow Enterprises

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Page design: Carol Highfill ---- Last update: November 11, 1997

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Preparing for a power outage. Get emergency portable power supplies to prtoect your pet birds. Winged Wisdom magazine, ezine for care of pet parrots.