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UNU/Zero Emissions Research Initiative

Launched by UNU in 1994, the Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) promotes the concept that all industrial inputs can be completely converted into a final product and that waste products can be converted into value added inputs for another chain of production. In this context, the manufacturing line can be viewed as a series of production cycles and recycling systems. In 1999, UNU/ZERI evolved into the Zero Emissions Forum (ZEF) which brings together initiatives from business, government, and the scientific community in pursuit of three objectives: research, capacity–building, and networking. The forum’s activities are focused on the zero emissions concept from a "governance for local and regional sustainability" perspective. UNU/IAS plays a coordination role within ZEF and also engages in public dissemination activities aimed at encouraging the adoption and application of the zero emissions concepts within both the public and private spheres. The forum is underpinned by the assumption that sustainable practices must be adopted at all levels of society and by all actors within a community such as local government, business, and civil society. Throughout 2001, ZEF has continued its outreach and dissemination activities including a number of public seminars and other awareness raising activities. The project team has also continued to work towards refining the concept of zero emissions within conceptual papers that have been presented at international conferences and distributed to relevant national and local bodies. One of the key aspects of the ZEF involves the establishment of networks of actors committed to the implementation of the zero emissions concept and, in this regard, UNU/IAS has established a formal understanding of collaboration with the New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization.

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