Barking Frogs Permaculture

Solutions through permaculture design.

Permaculture design brings our lives back into participation with the Earth. Permaculturists and other environmentalists warn of global destruction unless we learn to live with the Earth rather than continuing to prey upon her. Permaculture trusts that the Earth shows us solutions to halt the destruction of the biosphere while sustaining ourselves in wholesome and fulfilling ways.

New Online Permaculture Design Clinic begins September 28, 2008. This is for people who want support to work on a permaculture design for their own homes.

Online Permaculture Design Course, the 13th cycle begins September 28, 2008!

NB: The Clinic and Online PDC course start dates have been moved two weeks (from Sept. 14th to Sept. 28th) to accommodate last minute registrations and allow for shipping time for the course reading package.

NEW August 16, 2008: Living Lovingly on the Earth, an article by Dan Hemenway giving an overview of the design process of permaculture.

News from Dan and Cynthia Hemenway and Barking Frogs Permaculture.

Dan and Cynthia Hemenway have some land for sale in Massachusetts that would be suitable for a permaculture project. This link has a description of the property. LAND FOR SALE | Pictures of the Williamsburg, Massachusetts land for sale.!

Permaculture Information Net - The Permaculture Information Net is a new feature of this web site intended to encourage visitors to contribute to the information available to the permaculture community. We are not soliciting opinions. Rather, we are encouraging people to share documented facts.

You may also share your perplexities. You are invited to submit them to us for consideration for posting on this site. These should be questions not readily answerable by commonly available publications, related to permaculture design, and of general application. For example, do not submit a question such as How do I figure the right amount of ventilation for a solar greenhouse. The answer is more or less common knowledge.

Contributors who submit documented facts will receive a copy of all the replies that we regard as useful. If we resolve a question, the material will also be used in an article in our journal and/or as supplemental data on our web page. We will post relevant replies on this site, as well, with credit. I reserve the right to edit them. At some point, we will expand the acceptable topics to design strategies as well as facts. For Mother Earth, Dan Hemenway

Kudzu Utilization Project, a report on the application of permaculture principles to kudzu, and its potential for economic and agricultural beneficial uses.

Permaculture Training | Publications | Consulting | Links | About

HALF PRICE JOURNALS - journals with some cosmetic stains and other superficial defects, available while they last.

Contact us at: | P.O. Box 52, Sparr, Florida 32192

Original Barking Frogs Permaculture website at

(C) 2006, 2007 Dan and Cynthia Hemenway, Barking Frogs Permaculture

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