Sat 17 Jan 2009 | 6:45 GMT
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Israel may halt Gaza war 6:41am GMT

GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli warplanes returned to the attack on the Gaza Strip before first light Saturday as leaders of the Jewish state weighed a unilateral ceasefire.  Full Article   |  Video


Reuters Weekend

For those who felt the cold this week, Alister Doyle offers some comfort by describing life in Antarctica   Full Article 

Teenage hell

One building company is trying a brave new tactic to get house sales moving.  Video 

News quiz

See how much you recall of the week.  Go to quiz 

Lions led by donkeys?

It's not often that a senior member of Washington's usually staid and cautious foreign policy establishment likens Israeli political leaders to donkeys.  Commentary 


Brown orders banks to come clean over loans 6:44am GMT 

LONDON (Reuters) - Banks must reveal the true scale of their bad assets to help revive frozen global credit markets, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said on Saturday as his government thrashed out another bank rescue package.  Full Article 

New York hails pilot who landed jetliner on river 12:48am GMT 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York feted its latest hero, the pilot who landed a distressed US Airways jetliner on the Hudson River, saving all 155 on board in what experts called a masterful job under life-or-death pressure.  Full Article  |  Video 

Legoland's inauguration
2:59am GMT 
Legoland presents a replica of the 56th presidential inauguration, including the Capital building, more than a thousand mini-figures, the presidential motorcade and the Obama family.