How To Locate a Wildlife Rehabilitator

When you find an injured animal, it is important to know who to contact for information on what to do and where to bring the animal.

Below are links to listings of wildlife rehabilitators/centers by state and country. It is by no means a complete listing of rehabbers, but the individuals and groups listed here will be able to help or refer you to an appropriate person in your area.

If you do not find a specific contact person in your area, call your local Game & Fish Department, Animal Control Officer, Humane Society, or veterinarian. These individuals often will know of local wildlife rehabilitation facilities and can give you their numbers.

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U.S. Contacts (by State):

A-M States

N-W States

International Contacts (outside of the U.S.)

NOTE: If you still are not finding a rehabber in your area, try checking on the following sites:

Wildlife Care (

Wildlife Rescue Web Resource (

OUTDOORS 411: Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers in the US

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FastCounter by LinkExchange Mary Catharine Kuruziak
Last updated: 11/17/08

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author.
The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.