Kentucky Proud

Welcome to the Animal Identification Program

****Exciting News****

The Office of State Veterinarian is in the process of mailing wallet-size premises ID cards to the 14,000 people who have already registered their premises. 


These cards are for your convenience by enabling you to have your premises ID number handy.


Thanks for your support! 

Animal Identification Program
Click here to Register for a Premises Online Today!!
Safeguard Kentucky's Agriculture


The first step in implementing a national animal identification system (NAIS) is identifying and registering premises that are associated with the animal agriculture industry. A 'premises' is the geographically unique location in which agricultural animals are raised, held or boarded.This includes farms, ranches, feedyards, auction barns, and fair sites.


If you have more than one farm or location, you can apply for multiple premises ID's.


nais booth

The number of animal disease outbreaks that have been reported around the globe over the past decade have greatly intensified public interest in developing a national animal identification program for the purpose of protecting animal health.  The European Union, Canada, and Australia already have animal identification systems in place. 

A strong U.S. identification system is in increasing demand as a necessary component of our Nation's agricultural infrastructure.


Kentucky has registered approximately 14,000 of the 61,000 premises in Kentucky. 

KDA Staff Attend County Meetings

Division of Producer Services staff attended meetings in Magoffin and Fayette counties to assist Kentucky farmers in registering their premises.


If you are having a meeting and would like someone to attend, contact the division to see if someone is available.


For registration assistance, contact program staff.

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Kentucky Proud