

Methane discovery hints at living Martian microbes 4:31pm EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Plumes of methane in the atmosphere of Mars provide evidence of the possible existence of microbes living below the Martian surface that produce the gas as some do on Earth, U.S. scientists said on Thursday.  Full Article

Cloaking device may make cell phone static vanish 2:34pm EST 

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A new light-bending material has brought scientists one step closer to creating a cloaking device that could hide objects from sight.  Full Article 

Jobs announcement hits Apple shares

Jan 15 - News that Apple boss Steve Jobs is taking a six-month leave of absence due to health concerns has hit the company's shares and increased uncertainty.  Play Video

Crisis in Gaza

Israel continues its military offensive into the Gaza Strip as Hamas provides no respite to rockets fired into Israel's cities.

U.S. group sues Coke over VitaminWater health claims

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. consumer group said on Thursday it filed a class action lawsuit against Coca-Cola Co, accusing the company of making deceptive health claims about its Vitaminwater beverages.  Full Article