Second Life News

Coca-Cola Re-Ups In Second Life With Nestea Marketing Deal

Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:26pm PDT

Will the marketing of real world brands in Second Life find a second life?

Maybe. Nestea, a Coca-Cola brand, announced today it’s sponsoring Second Life’s “Junkyard Blues” venue.

Beating Linden to the punch on multi-grid search

Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:10pm PDT

Some of Second Life’s most talented programmers are beginning to form businesses that compete directly against Linden Lab

Users gather for a smaller, less corporate SLCC

Sun Sep 7, 2008 11:39am PDT

As they have every year for four years, the Second Life faithful tore themselves away from their computers for a weekend of real-life travel to celebrate Linden Lab’s virtual world at SLCC, the Second Life Community Convention.

But this year far fewer of them came out.

The Blog

Registered for Facebook under your avatar name? That’s a ban.
Second Life enthusiasts who register for Facebook under their avatar names should watch out: the Syndey Morning Herald is reporting Facebook is terminating accounts it suspects don’t represent real-life names.

Poll: Second Life residents prefer Obama to McCain by over 2 to 1
If the US presidential election was being held today in Second Life, Obama would win in a landslide.

What will the next year bring for Second Life?
With an eye towards the future, once again Reuters asked SLCC: What will the next year bring in Second Life?

Rosedale: Blame it on the Mac
“We’re serious about support for the Mac,” Rosedale said. “But we’ve had our problems with Apple.”

Virtual currency not on the OpenSim agenda
Linden Lab and OpenSim developers shared the stage at an SLCC panel called “Open Software For Open Worlds,” and said there was nothing in the works to support buying virtual goods and services with Linden dollars anywhere but on the Second Life Grid.

Philip Rosedale’s Relaxing Summer
So what has Second Life founder Philip Rosedale been up to since handing over control of Linden Lab to new CEO Mark Kingdon four months ago? Hanging out, mostly.

Second Life bluesman signs record deal
The newest destination for talent scouts looking to sign fresh acts is Second Life.

RL/SL instant-messaging weeks away: report carries an interview with Linden VP Joe Miller which says the reported “SLim” is only weeks away

Land supply freeze extended again: Has Linden hit a wall?
Linden extends its freeze on new land as prices refuse to rise.

Second Life trademarks “SLim” for instant-messaging has the scoop that Linden Lab filed a trademark application for instant-messaging software, to be called “SLim.”

About the Reuters/Second Life Reporters

Adam Reuters

Adam Reuters is Reuters' bureau chief in Second Life.

In real life, he is Adam Pasick, a veteran tech and media journalist.Got SL story ideas? Email them to

adamreuters at

Eric Reuters

Eric Reuters is a Second Life Reporter for Reuters. In real life he is Eric Krangel, a technology journalist based in New York City.

Eric Reuters holds office hours in the Reuters Auditorium on Tuesdays at 8:00 am SLT.


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