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Regional Water Data Banks - Overview of Middle East Water Resources

Leaders: Verne Schneider, vrschnei@usgs.gov


The USGS has conceptualized and implemented a variety of technical activities as part of the Regional Water Data Banks Project, a project of the Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources. One of these activities led to the publication of an “Overview of Middle East Water Resources, Water Resources of Palestinian, Jordanian, and Israeli Interest”. The report was published in 1998 and was the first report ever completed using official hydrologic data from the hydrologic agencies in the region. Areal and site-specific hydrologic, meteorologic, and geologic information provided by water-resources agencies of the region are presented to provide a broad depiction of the overall water conditions in the region. The work was coordinated by USGS scientists and completed as a cooperative effort among the Palestinian Water Authority, Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation, and the Israeli Hydrological Service. The report looks at water resources from a regional perspective and is widely recognized as a definitive publication on Middle East water resources.

map of world location on map of countries in project

Jordan River below Lake Tiberias.
Jordan River below Lake Tiberias.

Area around Wadi Rim in south Jordan.
Area around Wadi Rum in south Jordan.

Mark Landers (USGS, GA) (left) investigating an ancient Roman cistern in Amman, Jordan.
Mark Landers (USGS, GA) (left) investigating an ancient Roman cistern in Amman, Jordan.


USGS Mission
Tie In
The U.S. Department of State requested the USGS to undertake this activity and has provided both funding and political guidance throughout the project. The project supports U.S. foreign policy and serves as a showcase for USGS scientific excellence in the natural sciences. The publication is designed to convey to both scientists and to the lay public an understanding of water resources and to engender both conservation and protection of this critical resource.
Discipline: Water
Locations: Israel, Jordan, and West Bank/Gaza
Web Sites: http://exact-me.org/

Israeli Hydrological Service
Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Palestinian Water Authority
U.S. Department of State


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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 09-Oct-2007 14:05:39 EDT