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  Pohnpei Micronesian Kingfisher Pohnpei Micronesian Kingfisher after being fitted with a radio telemetry transmitter. Along with the other members of the study population, this individual provided vital information about the behavioral ecology of this endangered species.
  Baby Polar Bear

USGS has a long tradition of scientific monitoring, assessment, and research in the polar regions. USGS participation in the International Polar Year allows the Survey to celebrate this enduring tradition with the rest of the global polar research community and to renew our commitment to polar science at a time when the eyes of the world are focused on the extraordinary changes being manifest at this time in these regions.

  USGS coordinates Antarctic mapping USGS coordinates Antarctic mapping, geodetic, atlas and Antarctic Resource Center activities with the international Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) under the the terms of the National Academy of Sciences - Polar Research Board and the US Antarctic Program.
  schoolchildren learning about the manatees A joint project with the Wildlife Trust and the Belize Coastal Zone Management Authority on manatees. Since 1997 manatees have been caught and tagged in the region of Belize. This image shows local schoolchildren learning about the manatees.
  Weighing a giant female tortoise Research and management programs focused on the giant tortoises endemic to the Galapagos Islands involves a truly international collaboration. Here staff from the USGS, University of New Mexico, Charles Darwin Research Station and Galapagos National Park use a special pulley system to lift and weigh a female giant tortoise on the slopes of Alcedo Volcano in a sparsely forested area on Isabela, the largest island in Galapagos.
  Participants in U.S. / China mapping project Remote sensing and GIs are evolving technologies that are important to future USGS programs which can benefit from broad applications and cooperative exchange of information. Partly as a result of the Protocol, China is now a key collaborator with USGS in international mapping and data standards activities.

Other Activities

  Geological Survey of Turkey logo II. International Symposium of Blacksea Region

The Geolocical Survey of Turkey is organizing the II. International Symposium of Blacksea Region. You can find more information about the symposium at: www.mta.gov.tr/isgb

  Logo: International Geological Congress 2008

33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, August 5-14, 2008
In collaboration with the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and many other international and national organisations, the National IUGS Committees in the five Nordic Countries (Norden): Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden, hereby invite you to join the 2008 Congress. Details are available at: http://www.33igc.org/

A letter to IUGS, its bodies and affiliated organizations from the local organizers of the 33rd International Geological Congress. [IUGS_July2007.pdf, 46KB]

  "end-to-end" warning system schematic

Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
USGS provides complementary interventions, often in coordination with NOAA, that support seismic and tide station technology transfer, regional and global interoperability through the IOC framework, and capacity building at both the detection/warning formulation and local preparedness levels in data analysis and prediction and in hazard/vulnerability/risk mapping and modeling standards, protocols, and methods. [http://www.iotws.org/]

  IHP Logo

The International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) international scientific cooperative program in water research, water resources management, education, and capacity-building. In April 2006, the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO established the U.S. National Committee for the International Hydrological Programme to support IHP activities. See http://water.usgs.gov/nrp/IHP/ for additional information regarding the U.S. National Committee for the UNESCO IHP.


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URL: http://international.usgs.gov/index.htm
Page Contact Information: IP Web Team
Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 25-Jun-2008 10:23:16 EDT