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Share Your Innovations

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality invites you to participate in the AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange by telling us about your innovative efforts to improve the delivery of health care services. Our Editorial Teams will work with you to produce an accurate description of your initiative. This page explains what we are looking for and how you can submit an innovation for consideration.

If you have questions or think you have an innovation to share, please e-mail us at:

What We Are Looking For

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The Health Care Innovations Exchange seeks a broad range of novel health care strategies and activities—from multifaceted programs that improve the delivery or management of care to narrowly defined initiatives that focus on a specific aspect of the care process.

To be considered for an Innovation Profile, innovations have to meet six criteria:

  • The innovation focuses directly or indirectly on patient care.
  • The innovation is intended to improve one or more domains of health care quality.
  • The activity is truly innovative in the context of its setting or target population.
  • Information about the innovation is publicly available.
  • The innovator (or a representative) is willing and able to contribute information to the Health Care Innovations Exchange.
  • There is reason to believe that this innovation will be effective.

Innovations that satisfy all but the last criterion on effectiveness may be presented as Innovation Attempts. Note that these are minimum requirements; the ultimate decision depends on additional factors, including AHRQ's priorities and the number of similar ideas in the Innovations Exchange.

Learn about the minimum requirements and AHRQ's priorities.

Learn more about Innovation Profiles and Innovation Attempts.

Why Participate in the Health Care Innovations Exchange?

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  • Contribute to the Greater Good – The Innovations Exchange provides an avenue for you to bring about positive changes in patient care far beyond the walls of your own institution. By sharing your innovation, you will be helping to build a rich resource that will complement and enhance the usefulness of the traditional professional literature on health care services.
  • Become a Community Leader – Your contributions will also put you in a position to become part of a nationwide community of health care innovators, who can both learn from you and support your efforts to design and implement innovations in your organization. Some innovators will be invited to serve as faculty for educational events sponsored by the Innovations Exchange.

How to Submit an Innovation

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If you would like to submit a candidate innovation for our consideration, contact the Innovations Exchange at Please provide the following information in the e-mail:

  • Name of the main organization, along with any other organizations that are participating in the innovation.
  • Name and title of the submitter.
  • Contact information for the submitter (e-mail address and phone number).
  • Brief description of the innovation.
  • Brief description of results, including any impact on the delivery of patient care.
  • Description of the health care setting (e.g., hospital, community clinic, nursing home).
  • Description of the population on which the innovation is focused, if any (e.g., the elderly, children, racial or ethnic group).
  • Any funding sources for the innovation.

To help determine what information to send us, you may want to review a summary of the kinds of information we will want to capture in our description of your innovation: Elements of an Innovation Profile (Word®; 78 KB) (PDF; 29 KB); Elements of an Innovation Attempt (Word®; 66 KB) (PDF; 22 KB).
(If you don't have the software to open this PDF, download free Adobe Acrobat Reader® software.)

After we review the materials you have submitted, one of the Editorial Teams will contact you for further information if your innovation appears to meet the above minimum criteria.

If your innovation is accepted for inclusion, an Editorial Team will ask you to confirm that you can speak on behalf of any collaborators, and that the Innovations Exchange has permission to link to any pertinent Web sites your organization maintains. We will not proceed with the development of an Innovation Profile or Attempt until we have this confirmation. Once we have the confirmation, we will develop a draft description of the innovation and send it to you for review and comment prior to posting it on the site.

Note about privacy: If the innovation you submit is selected for the Innovations Exchange, any information you send may be published on the site as part of the description of the innovation. If you are sending information that needs to remain confidential, please make that clear in your communications with us.

Last updated: March 28, 2008.

AHRQ  Advancing Excellence in Health Care