Administration for Children and Families

Assets for Independence Demonstration Program;
Individual Development Accounts Assets for Independence Demonstration Program

 Assets for Independence (AFI) is a Federal grant program that explores ways to help low-income people become economically self-sufficient.

AFI provides grants of up to $1,000,000 to local and State AFI projects that provide financial education to clients and assist them with saving money in Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) for the goal of acquiring one of three long-term assets: a first home, post-secondary education, or small business capital.

 Eligible applicants for competitive five-year demonstration grants are non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations; State and local government agencies and Tribal governments applying jointly with 501(c)(3) organizations; low-income credit unions; and community development financial institutions.

Contact Information:

Office of Community Services
Demonstration and Special Projects Division
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
5th Floor West
Washington , D.C. 20447
Telephone: 202-401-4626
Fax: 202-401-5718



savings; investment; asset accumulation; financial literacy training; post secondary education; home ownership; business apitalization; self-sufficiency.


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