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AFM Programs & Services

Service Employee Team (SET) Program

Guidelines and Procedures

  1. The requestor completes a Detail Worksheet and sends it electronically to the SET Program Coordinator. Particular attention should be paid to the funding arrangements including such items as temporary promotion and travel.

  2. The SET Program Coordinator will create a SET Detail Opportunity Notice and release the notice to the audience specified on the worksheet.

  3. Employees apply for the detail by sending a one-page resume electronically to the SET Program Coordinator. Employees are encouraged to discuss SET details with their supervisors prior to applying.

  4. The Program Coordinator forwards all applications to the requestor.

  5. The requestor reviews the applications, interviews candidates, and makes a selection.

  6. The requestor then contacts their Human Resources specialist to determine if the selectee is eligible for the detail and a temporary promotion, if that is being considered. (Some applicants may have had prior details or temporary promotions that would prevent them from being noncompetitively detailed, or temporarily promoted into the position.)

  7. The requestor contacts the selected applicant’s supervisor to ensure there is agreement on the detail, including start and finish dates, and salary arrangements.

  8. The requestor generates two SF-52's prior to the start of the detail: one to bring the applicant into the position, and one to return the applicant to their original position.

  9. The requestor notifies the SET Program Coordinator of the selection.

  10. The SET Program Coordinator notifies those not selected that a selection has been made.


Last Updated: August 19, 2004