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New Web site makes Cumberland Plateau more accessible

Friday, Jan. 16, 2009
Nothing cures the winter blahs like a visit to the Cumberland Plateau, a land of waterfalls, river gorges, and the largest concentration of caves in Tennessee.
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Entrepreneur's positive thinking results in line of salad dressings

Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009
The way in which parents embrace life will shape their children's future. Hazel Tippo of Knoxville is proof of that. The New Jersey native is the daughter of the late Theodore Merritt, a man she described as a true entrepreneur who "liked his eggs and his life sunny side up."
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Business Spotlight: Stony Clay Station

Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009
Stony Clay Station, on Highway 11E near Dixie Lee Junction in Lenoir City, is housed in a nondescript building. However, inside is a gallery that contains handcrafted pieces of pottery. Each piece was created by owner Melissa Ball and fellow artist Benjamin Qualls. Full story »
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Weekly section School Matters highlights education hot topics

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009
Picture a PTA meeting. One that involves the entire community and one that's mercifully free of the boring rigmarole. Wishful thinking? Think again. Meet School Matters. It's the Knoxville News Sentinel's new weekly section discussing all things education - with your input. (2 Comments) | Full story »
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Coming Sunday: Actor Hal Holbrook comes to East Tennessee

Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009
Author Mark Twain, dead 99 years, still has plenty to say. Hal Holbrook, who’s portrayed Twain for 55 of his own years, remains ready to say it. Full story »
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New book researches links between JFK shooting, other events

Sunday, Jan. 11, 2009
A new, heavily researched book on John F. Kennedy's murder and its investigation sees links with a bagful of sensational stories, from President Johnson's fear of a nuclear attack by the Soviets to the killing of Martin Luther King Jr.
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New York's Chinatown offers a sample of culture, at New Year or anytime

Sunday, Jan. 11, 2009
NEW YORK - The Year of the Ox begins Jan. 26 and stores all over Chinatown are selling bright red decorations to mark the new year. But while it's easy to pick up cheap souvenirs at shops around the neighborhood, it's also worth spending a day seeking out the unfamiliar. You can sample new dishes, listen to a two-stringed fiddle called an erhu, or visit a Buddhist temple.
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Gardner-Howell: Happy ending to book club search

Saturday, Jan. 17, 2009
I never knew how much fun a book club could be.
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Local church briefs: Jan. 17

Saturday, Jan. 17, 2009
n Valley View Baptist Church - Concert with Voices Won, 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 18, 3521 Old Valley View Drive. Free. Info: 865-523-0062.
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Playtime: Jan. 17

Saturday, Jan. 17, 2009
ARTS AND HISTORY"A Night With the Arts" is 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 18, at Knoxville College Colston's Center for the Performing Arts. The free event celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Among the performances is the new production "Walk, Don't Ride: A Celebration of the Fight For Equailty." Presented by the theater group The WordPlayers, "Walk, Don't Ride" focuses on events that shaped the American Civil Rights movement.
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William, Emma state's top 2008 baby names, + 1 Barack Obama

Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009
12:38 p.m. | NASHVILLE - There were lots of little Emmas who arrived in Tennessee last year and very many Williams. (13 Comments) | Full story »
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Rosson: Economy has taken a bite out of item's value

Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009
Dear Mr. Rosson:I was given this cookie jar by a friend of my mother's many years ago. It is in perfect condition. On the bottom is impressed "Patented Muggsy U.S.A.." I was told it was very valuable and am wondering if this is still true.
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Skirts' fullness hide holiday mistakes

Monday, Jan. 12, 2009
We don't get to say it often in fashion, but the bigger the better. Full, flouncy skirts, the kind with layers of tulle underneath, or thick pleats and folds, instantly draw eyes to your hourglass figure - even if you don't have one.

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Beauty in small wonders captured

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Its yellow wings spread wide, the cloudless sulphur butterfly remains beautiful even in death. Full story »
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