Press Release

December 18, 2008

Jennifer Kohl
202.225.4289 or 202.225.4025
Trudy Perkins
410.685.9199 or 202.225.4641

Letter to AIG in Response to Canceled Meeting

Washington, D.C. Today, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), a senior member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent the letter below to Mr. Edward M. Liddy, Chairman & CEO of AIG, Inc. The two had been scheduled to meet this morning, but Mr. Liddy canceled late last night. The meeting was planned to address ongoing concerns Congressman Cummings has expressed regarding questionable practices of AIG, and it was scheduled after the Congressman's most recent request for information.


December 18, 2008
Mr. Edward M. Liddy
Chief Executive Officer
American International Group, Inc.
70 Pine Street
New York, NY 10270
Dear Mr. Liddy:
I was very disappointed to receive (from the media) your letter dated December 17, 2008, in which you canceled our meeting that was scheduled for today.
It seems that the leadership at AIG has been stonewalling the U.S. Congress, doing whatever possible to avoid answering completely and accurately the questions that I have posed. These are reasonable questions that the American taxpayers who funded your company’s bailout are asking and for which they deserve answers. AIG’s refusal to answer the simple yet important questions is exceedingly frustrating and disappointing. Your most recent letter leaves me particularly concerned, as it is the type of behavior that—during my twelve years as a Member of Congress—has historically been employed as a stall tactic from those who have something to hide.
Please keep in mind that, as a Member of Congress, it is my duty to demand full accountability for funds that have been allocated by the United States government. I have requested a hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to further examine the operations of your company because I have been unable to get a thorough and satisfactory response directly from AIG. Please rest assured that neither I nor my colleagues in Congress will relent until we get answers to these questions and until we have full transparency into the operations of your company.
You stated that you would re-schedule our meeting, and my door is open to you at your earliest convenience. I look forward to speaking to you as soon as possible.
Elijah E. Cummings
Member of Congress
