(7/11/98 Baltimore AFRO-American Newspaper)

Thank you NAACP for Making Us Accountable

by Congressman Elijah E. Cummings

As the millennium approaches voters will face new and more difficult voting decisions on both the local and national levels. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), under the guidance of President and CEO Kweisi Mfume, has re-created an excellent tool to assist voters in the difficult times ahead. In 1914, the NAACP released its premier "report card" of the members of Congress. Recently, it released a new and improved report card for the members of 105th Congress. The report card selected 12 House bills and 10 from the Senate, which were of critical importance to the African American community. Every member of Congresses voting record was considered on these important legislative proposals, and many were charged with "nonperformance and default."

The issues considered effect the African American community. They range from the use of new sampling methods used by the U.S. Census Bureau to ensure an accurate count for the year 2000, to the defeated measure that would have required voters to show their social security cards to vote. In essence, the report card serves as a litmus test for voters. They will be prepared to make more informed decisions in the voting booths.

The evaluation of a legislator's voting record is a crucial service needed in our community. Our votes are important in determining how the political establishment responds to our needs and concerns. The report cards quick and easy-to-read format enables voters of all ages and educational levels to review the legislative performance of their representative. Knowledge is indeed power. We can use this knowledge to empower our community. The days of holding office while only paying lip service to the concerns of the Black community may soon be over. The NAACP report card serves the additional function of empowering voters to measure their representatives' sensitivity to the unique concerns of the local political terrain.

The subjects selected by the voting report focused on six different areas: confirmations of presidential appointees, affirmative action, budget/finance, the Census, juvenile justice and voter empowerment. In each of these areas, the NAACP committee was considerate of how each bill might effect the African-American community. On each of the selected bills, my votes mirrored the recommendations of the NAACP. I am honored to have received a 100% grade however, it is more important to know that there is a clear and concise rating system available to voters that is not generated by the political office of a particular public figure. The NAACP, an independent, nonpartisan civil rights organization with 89 years of public service, has provided the public with a credible and trustworthy voting reference tool.

Also, the distribution of the report card should result in increased levels of accountability for both elected officials and the voting public. Officials may be confronted with a voting record that is, or is not reflective of their constituents' concerns. Each time I prepare to vote, I ponder the humanity and humility of the proposed legislation. Now, more legislators will ask themselves the same questions more often. Voters can no longer say, "I don't know enough about Elijah Cummings' voting record", due to the efforts of the NAACP.

President/CEO Mfume concluded that "the House and Senate have failed the American people as it relates to civil rights issues." He added, "the report card is to be used as an educational tool to inform branches and coalition partners of the NAACP." The broader use of this information is that it is available to all upon request. President Mfume added, "the NAACP offices and supporters have been directed to distribute this report card at the local and state level."

Success as a politician can be measured in many ways however, one critical element is to compare the voting pattern of the political figure with the will of the people. In another light, the NAACP report card is a document containing a new set of standards by which our unique concerns are cataloged and examined. It is a political tally card that enables us to be more aware of our representatives voting activities and to politically empower our communities.

-The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings represents the 7th Congressional District of Maryland in the United States House of Representatives.