(12/19/98 Baltimore AFRO-American Newspaper)

The light of friendship on a dark winter's eve

by Congressman Elijah E. Cummings

Under the grey skies of December, Americans confront the chilling end of another year. Like humanity everywhere, we follow customs of celebration learned in childhood as we bring cheer to a season which night seeks to rule.

The forms and symbols of our expression differ, but our outcry is universal. During our prolonged winter nights, we cry out to a power greater than ourselves, to the force which loves us and connects us all - one to another.

At this time of year when our sun denies us much of its light, we respond with an outpouring of warmth fundamental to the human spirit. In contrast to the individualism of summer, winter is the season of our shared humanity.

Our winter prayers express our highest aspirations; and for most of us, our prayers are answered. From our differing faith traditions, we receive the Hope which is central to Christmas, the Light of Hanukkah, the Peace of Islam and the Unity of Kwanzaa.

Although our daily struggles are made more difficult by searing winds and icy streets, our holiday traditions recall for us the ultimate source of our strength and our greatest comforts in life.

"We are children of the same God," these messages of the spirit proclaim. "We belong to the same human family. We should not, and we need not, be alone in the darkness."

Our faith traditions offer us a deeper understanding of the human condition. However else we may choose to celebrate - whatever other offerings, contributions or presents we may share - the only fires which will outlast the winter are those we light by sharing our lives with others.

The other people who need the warmth only our friendship can offer are many. This wonderful time of year is also a time of deep depression for those who live solitary lives.

When I observe the sadness of people sitting alone in our coffee shops and cafes, surrounded by the sounds of joy, I wonder about the pain which engulfs them.

"Does their despair come from holiday reminders of a departed loved one?" I ask myself. "Does their seasonal depression arise from memories of a better past, from anxieties about an uncertain future?"

Whatever may be the source of their isolation, the loneliness in their eyes brings to mind these words from an old song by the Temptations:

"Piece of newspaper at my feet,
We go blowing down the street,
Got our stories, old and new,
Need someone to tell them to.

We don’t have to be eye to eye or face to face,
I’m not asking for miracles or saving space,
And I don’t need another heart to have and hold,
All I want is a friend I can talk to soul to soul."

I think of all of the love which blesses my life. I know that, for all of the lonely people in our community, we are the exclusive agents of that same loving power to which our faith traditions point. Our companionship and time are priceless gifts to them which only we can share.

Within each person lives the unique power to lift the spirits of another human being. Neighbors and acquaintances await our outstretched hands of greeting and a few precious moments of personal conversation. By a short visit to their homes or an invitation to dinner, we can give tangible expression to our faith and lend substance to our holiday celebrations.

A renewed commitment to reach out to others is also a lasting gift to ourselves. In our modern, urban age, we have forgotten much of the art of hospitality our ancestors practiced with good-natured grace. By simple acts of kindness and respect, we can begin to relearn what it means to be fully human.

By our compassion for others, we teach our children that they have the power to transform strangers into friends. What better lesson could we share with them? What greater joy could any of us receive than the light of friendship on a dark winter’s eve?

-The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings represents the 7th Congressional District of Maryland in the United States House of Representatives.